The Mother Of The Year Murders Character Page

June Cleavage- TVLand icon, forever linked with Always The Otter. She's not bitter, but wants the world to know she's not the syrupy nuclear-family mom the world remembers. In fact, she can be quite naughty, and is whenever possible.
Ralph/Lisa Cleavage (Also referred to as Otter, which he he/she hates)- June's son(at least he was). Grown-up child tv actor. He/she has difficulty with sexual and gener identity. Clings to his/her Mom in a somewhat unnatural manner.
Hilary Smintten- United States senator from the industrial Northeast. Poweful feminist, with two-way tendancies. Downplays her husband's infidelities. Out to win tonight, as always, at any cost.
Chesty Smintten- Hilary's daughter. She lacks her mother's drive, ambition, and intellect. Legally blond, and totally clueless.
Willy Smintten- Hilary's philandering husband. Women of all ages seem to have a magnetic attraction to him and he is happy to oblige any and all overtures.
Livia Castrano- A tough old broad, she is the matriarch of a successful "sanitation engineering" firm. She is, to put it bluntly, a gonad annihilator. She believes in "telling it like it is" at all times. Her son, Teeny, has many conflicting feelings about her.
Teeny Castrano- Livia's son, he has succeeded in the "family business". He is a complicated man whose personality may jolt from one exteme to the other in mid-sentence.
Guy Miley- Host of the Mother-of-the-Year Pageant. Personality plus, he likes to show off his radio-voice. A pretty boy, he's quite vain. Likes to check himself out in anything resembling a mirror. Doesn't comes across with the ladies as well as he thinks.
Kay Howard - The executive producer of the Mother-of-the-Year Pageant. Mousey low key, and somewhat of a dishrag as she approaches the task of putting the pageant togther. Little do we know, she is a recent graduate of the Hoboken Security Training Institute. W hen her investigative skills are called into service, she evolves to an outgoing take-charge zealot.