Thriller Convention Murders Character Page

Kirk Stewart: Star Trek fan. But he is a Trekker as opposed to a Trekky (Trekkers consider Trekkies to be utter losers.) Wears the uniform but only on special occasions, not as an everyday outfit. Has a bit of a twitch.
Peter Pennsigner: Autograph hound. Obsessed with Stephen. Follows him from book-signing to book-signing. Absolutely believes they are buddies. He also thinks the characters and situations in Queen’s books are real.
Belinda Bustier: Convention organizer. Very efficient and businesslike on the surface. But beneath the MBA exterior lives a true-blue, All-American nymphomaniac.
Stephen Queen: Best selling horror fiction writer. Effeminate. Temperamental. Artiste. Superiority complex.
Dora Lynn Oralyn: Soft porn starlet specializing in vampire features. She has a pronounced lisp.
Fern Queen: Stephen’s mother. Hasn’t seen him in years. We suspect there may be a reason for that. “Dominating” personality.
Jack Zak: Once a TV host for horror films, now a headlining personality at the convention. Still wears the make-up. Upbeat and personable. He is the Master of Ceremonies for the festivities.
Evelyn Envian: A rival of Stephen in the horror-fiction game. His books sell far fewer copies but generally receive more favorable reviews. Hates Stephen for his success. He pronounces the first syllable of his first name with a long e (the masculine pronunciation: “Evil”). Is in anger management therapy and it’s not going that well.
Desiree, Damsel of the Dusk: A real vampire, or so she says. Dresses the part. Claims that , before bitten, she was the illegitimate daughter of Adolph Hitler. Speaks with a German accent.
Claude “Killer” Kowalchick: Former-professional wrestler . Trash talker. He’s in town for the convention. Since retiring from the ring, he’s worked as a security guard at Wal-Mart.